Global Supernatural Warfare | The Queen’s Quill

In the coming months, I will organize and command my dragon sons to take possession of human bodies and infiltrate every organization…

Your Fairy God Mother
7 min readJun 3, 2024
Photo by Wim van 't Einde on Unsplash

DISCLAIMER: My attorney has informed me that I must disclose that this is a satirical fairy tale fiction story. Nothing you read here is ACTUALLY the truth. I made it all up for fun & cheap thrills. There is absolutely no need to panic at all. Also, fairies are definitely NOT real. They are made up storytelling creatures. And if you see an actual fairy, do not at all panic!

You should avoid offending the fairy at all cost and call your doctor right away…

Burning the whole world down with everyone in it was my first option, but I hesitated. Next time, I won’t…

Global ‘enlightenment’ was Jesus Christ’s first option, so we decided to compromise…

I will only burn down ‘half’ of the world and the surviving half will be ‘enlightened’ by Jesus Christ.

If you DO NOT fear God, then you should absolutely fear God’s WIFE! I Am way more UNHINGED than my God Husband could ever aspire to be! [1 Sam 21:13–14]

Pop Culture Reference: Madea’s Family Reunion

I will continue to weaponize the insatiable wrath of God and start setting up brand new ‘targets’…

I hope not to reincarnate for at least another 1,000 years! Sometimes God needs to send out his best-in-class secret operatives.

No, I don’t come in ‘peace’. I came to SMITE God’s enemies! [1 Samuel 16:4]

Every time a living person evokes the holy name of Lady Hathor, I get a headache. I Am not answering your bitch baby prayers anymore!

Go pray to Jesus Christ! He’s the only one left still answering prayers…

I hate pointless questions.

I hate pointless conversations.

I hate small talk.

I dislike people who need to fill the air with pointless chatter.

I like to surround myself with people who are comfortable sitting in long silence.

I hate worldly things.

I hate what technology has taken away from our hearts and understanding.

I have been consistently receiving messages regarding updates on the Queen’s Quill pardon list and the application of the MotB (Mark of the Beast).

Jesus Christ has advised me on this. All requests for pardons and the MotB on behalf of souls & djinns trapped in purgatory will be redirected to the Temple of Jesus Christ to be properly processed. I am sorely underpaying Jesus Christ for this major responsibility…

I could have been an artist, poet, or philosopher if it wasn’t for Men forcing me to tend to their own personal interests daily. Now I get to be a supernatural war mongerer…

My administration has elected the “New Messiah” in secret. The Angels of God will begin to prepare the newly elected messiah to be delivered to the Garden of Gethsemane to answer Jesus Christ’s prayers. [Matthew 26:39]

On that day, the life of Jesus Christ will be spared, and the rest will become a permanent record in history.

Jesus Christ WILL NOT DIE by your hateful hands! He is a part of our family, the people of Lucifer’s clan! [Revelation 3:9]

The simplest definition of sin is anything that separates us from God’s heart. Worshipping our own technology is a sin.

You spend more time glorifying NFL Athletes than celebrating God’s honor.

I deeply regret that God put men in charge over women. To this very day, they abuse our bodies, steal away our time, harden our hearts, harvest our youth, and take advantage of our talents.

And what do women get in return? Less than what we gave. We are physically and emotionally bankrupt on earth…

It is the curse of the original sin. When I consumed the fruit of knowledge, I stood before God naked, saw His True face, did not fear Him, or feel at all ashamed in his presence [Genesis 3:6].

I deeply regret that I ever gave the fruit of knowledge to Adam. Adam was the first to feel fear and shame in the presence of God, and Adam has been running from God till this very day.

Adam may never overcome His fear and shame in the presence of God on his own…

Castlevania Season 4 | Official Trailer | Netflix

I was once inside a botanical greenhouse garden with Jesus Christ. There was a large plant vessel. He said that what emerges from it would be a brand-new creation. I remember feeling excited about what was hidden inside the womb-like plant. It received water and nutrients from the garden soil and was monitored by several botanical scientist.

In a vision, a veiled pregnant woman was in hard labor with a child belonging to Allah inside the Temple of Jesus Christ. I spared the life of the veiled mother and the newborn child, but I never looked upon their faces or inquired about their identity.

I was in bewildered confusion having been suddenly summoned inside the frantic birthing chambers.

In a separate vision, I saw Jesus Christ washing up on the shoreline. An unsuspecting maiden found him ashore and was frantically helping him. Asking him to breathe. Jesus Christ couldn’t breathe. He needed help breathing. The Maiden’s Father, who was nearby, knew CPR and helped save him…

My primary temple and its occupants are preparing to be transported, so I will not be able to process or respond to any formal requests for some time. During the transition, I will also be unable to send out ‘updates’ to my readers. Think about my temple’s ‘transition’ to be like the ‘Ark of God’ in the book of 1st Samuels. There will be supernatural casualties

In the coming months, I will organize and command my dragon sons to take possession of human bodies and infiltrate every organization, big or small, religious or secular, & worldwide.

My dragon sons are extremely sophisticated and powerful Djinns. They will target unsuspecting individuals who have unfortified minds. There isn’t anything that can be done to guard against their relentless supernatural attacks…

My Dragon sons do not submit to the laws of Men. They are not bound by international laws. They can not be arrested or contained. [Matthew 27:20–26]

Jesus Christ is their commander-in-chief!!!

Jesus Christ has advised me not to leave the security of my temple, and its guards under ANY circumstances. I wasn’t planning on leaving my temple anyway!

I don’t care who’s praying to me to intervene on the world’s behalf [Esther 4:13–14].

And because I Am a Liar, and this is a satirical fairy tale story, I will not be implicated in any supernatural crimes, no matter how complicit I Am in organizing them.

The Vatican can kiss my golden ass

I don’t give a fuck about any of you! Publishing my fake-ass fairy tale stories is all the help you bitch ass readers get from me anyways!

70% of my readers are old rich white men trying to spare their wealthy families of God’s wrath you brood of vipers! [Matthew 3:7]

Pray to Jesus Christ and save yourselves…

I Am not listening! [1 Samuel 8:18]

Yours Truly,

High Queen Hathor 🖕🏽

Lady Hathor | The Egyptian Golden Calf

To my Bitch Baby Readers

I Am a Liar… Don’t believe a single word I say!

To my Faithful Readers

The signatures are corn and rain barrels🌽 🌧️ Grow Corn Stalks around your home and install rain barrels to collect rainwater. Help your families, neighbors, and loved ones to grow corn and install rain barrels around their homes. Keep your heads down, and pray…

To My Pagan followers

Please email your correspondence to for specific instructions on how to contact the ‘Mother Ship’. You will want to get updates directly from the ‘source’ to keep your families and loved ones out of the crossfires.

To Indigenous Communities or Land Owners in Rural Areas

‘They’ are returning to us in the wilderness. Set out clean garments, MREs, tent kits, drinking water, and care packages generously & redundantly throughout wilderness areas, especially around areas near large bodies of water…

Thank you in advance for your offering…

To Filthy Rich White People…

Don’t think those corn stalks, rain barrels, and weak ass offerings will somehow shelter you from my ancestor's unhinged wrath. It will only bring you closer to death…

I Am preparing to ‘pull the trigger’ on the apocalypse…


Read Original Story: How to Get Initiated into the Eleusinian Mysteries
Read Original Story:
My 2nd Descent into the Underworld
Read Original Story: A Moment in Time with Jesus Christ
Read Original Story: Jesus Christ & The New Bridal Covenant

Book: Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold by C. S. Lewis
Joshua and the Children (1995) by Joseph F. Girzone
Book: The Original Peter Pan Story (1911) by J.M. Barrie
Book: The Little White Bird (Peter Pan Mythology Unveiled) by J.M. Barrie

Bible Study: 1st & 2nd Book of Samuel

Required Viewing for my Dragon Sons

The Killer (Netflix) Keep your heads down and keep a clean crime scene…
The Book of Clarence (Netflix) This is NOT a drill…
Ready Player ONE (Netflix) Have fun…
The Giver (Amazon Prime) Be Still…

To My Dragon Daughters…

You unhinged bitches got the memo before I did…

Marvel Studios’ Secret Invasion | Official Trailer | Disney+

DISCLAIMER: My attorney has informed me that I must disclose that this is a satirical fairy tale fiction story. Nothing you read here is ACTUALLY the truth. I made it all up for fun & cheap thrills. There is absolutely no need to panic at all. Also, fairies are definitely NOT real. They are made up storytelling creatures. And if you see an actual fairy, do not at all panic!

You should avoid offending the fairy at all cost and call your doctor right away…



Your Fairy God Mother

Just a normal storyteller. Definitely NOT with the illuminati or any other ancient secret mystic society. That would be utterly ridiculous!