My Descent into the Underworld | Katabasis Journey

Knowing what I know now, I would have never returned home from that secret place…

Your Fairy God Mother
13 min readMar 8, 2024
Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash

I was undergoing an intense spiritual possession when I became overtaken by forceful visions. All of my senses became compromised. I could see, hear, smell, and feel the violent visions. It felt so real and terrifying. I could hardly tell the difference between my vivid visions and my own reality.

I am approaching my 1 year anniversary of my first descent and return from the under worldly realms. I write this fairy tale testimony as a record for what I witnessed and experienced being taken forcefully into the realms between light and darkness.

This testimony is a fairy tale with no bearings in reality. It is written for its storytelling value. I Am a false prophet who retells a false doctrine. My readers should NOT be inclined to believe my stories to be true. None of what I describe in my stories will ever be supported by the Catholic Church. I do not recommend this fairy tale to be read by any person with an unfortified mind. It is written only as a public record.

A public confession if represented in the best of lights…

My spirit was taken. I fought against the possession as hard as I could, but I could feel my spirit slipping away from my body violently. I broke out in a heavy feverish sweat. I could not stomach food nor take a drink. The symptoms lasted briefly, only 2 days or so.

I remembered a member of my household speaking in a strange and unusual way towards me. I remember the room feeling hot, thick, and dark as he spoke. He spoke to me of forbidden subjects that I feared to write down even in a fairy tale story. [Revelation 10:4]

Over the phone with another unknown individual, he spoke a forbidden coded language. A coded language that I would later develop a fluency in…

He spoke on the phone with the unknown individual as my body fought a feverish possession lying in my own familiar bed. My own bedroom suddenly felt foreign and strange. I no longer felt safe here. I feared that I was facing death in my own home.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

The household member gave me water to drink and encouraged me to ‘let go and rest’.

I did not find his words comforting…

I eventually did let go for the very first time, allowing my spirit to separate from my body and be taken to a strange place. I documented this vision carefully in a testimony that I would eventually share with my church elders. Every word of this original fairy tale testimony would come true.

In less than 6 months, everything written in my original fairy tale testimony had come to pass. The Church eventually took my fairy tale testimony seriously and began to plan their sermons accordingly to accommodate the premonitions.

That is not the vision that I will be scribing today, as I have already recorded that vision in as much detail as I could recall and the events have already taken place. As I am approaching my 1 year anniversary of my katabasis, I wish to record this alternative vision to be memorialized.

I sat with my Bible on my bed to begin my scripture studies. I did not feel ordinary anymore. My senses felt sensitive and I was hyperaware of the quietness of my home. Every sound I could ‘observe’ with my mind.

Suddenly, I felt a strong pull against my spirit. A beckoning. An urgent request of some sort. The pull was not as violent or as strong as the first time my spirit was taken. I felt scared by this sensation. I held my eyes tightly shut, waiting for the feeling to pass, but it did not. It held on to my attention.

I prayed to my listening God. I felt him answer with with his comforting words. “You’re safe. Just trust in me…”

I laid back in my bed and allowed my spirit to be taken to a strange new place…

I was on horse back, surrounded by other horse mounted women shouting frantically towards the edge of a mountain cliff. At the edge of the cliff stood a mysterious man holding an iron scepter raised into the air. The figure wore an all white robe with a golden chest plate and a white veil curtained around his face, concealing his identity.

As the figure rose the iron scepter in the air, thousands of individuals silently stalked towards the mysterious figure. As they approached the man, they walked past him, falling over the edge of the cliff to their certain deaths.

My eyes stared in horrendous confusion and my ears were filled with the screams of the panicked women. I began to look more closely at the faces of the would be victims to see no discernible type in age, gender, or ethnicity.

Suddenly, my focus shifted to a small child walking towards the edge before eventually falling to his certain death. The mysterious veiled man showing no signs of reacting to the sacrificing of lives. No sign of pity or remorse…

The women on horses wailed in agony as they gathered the small children they could carry forcefully and took them away towards the misty mountain bottoms where their encampments waited. Their medicine men waiting to doctor the rescued children upon their arrival.

Without words or understanding, I swung into action. I took charged with my horse towards the mysterious man with my staff in hand. With no plan or strategy to stop the sacrifices, I intended to attack the veiled man. As I approached my horse refused me, throwing me to the ground before trotting away towards the bottom of the mountain.

I lifted myself from the ground to fight against the veiled man, but I was pushed away by his power. I repeatedly ran against him and was repeatedly repelled away from him, landing harshly against the cold hard ground while watching the victims falling silently to their deaths.

“Remember me…” a voice repeated itself inside of my mind.

I continued to run towards the veiled man, and I continued to be thrown back down the mountainside. There was no end to my effort. Each time I seemed to accomplish getting closer to the veiled man, despite the pain and fatigue that took hold of my body.

“Remember me…” The voice begged again…

As I got close to the veiled man once again, I stopped my feet. Planted firmly before the veiled man I took in his posture. The falling victims blurred in my peripheral vision. The world fell silent in that moment as I gazed on the veiled man whom stood still in his position on the cliff’s edge.

“Remember me…” I heard the voice in my mind once more…

“Who are you!?!?” I screamed in despair.

I received no response. The man was still as a stone statue. His garments and veil flowed around his body in the wind.

“Why are you doing this!?” I begged for an answer…

I received no response again. The victims in the thousands lined up the mountain to fall to their deaths. I wandered how many bodies the rocky bottoms could hold. I wandered if the number of sacrifices could ever be counted for.

I lowered my staff to the ground and held up both of my hands in a surrendered posture. I took slow steps towards the mysterious man wanting to see beneath the veil. To see the face of the man who is beckoning to be remembered.

As I took tentative steps close to the man he lowered his scepter slowly, raising his other hand towards me as if waiting to hold my hand. I took in a deep breath and held out my determined hand towards him.

Once I am close enough I will lift the veil and see his TRUE face, I thought to myself. If I could at least see his face, then I would know whom it is that I was up against.

I was close enough that the tips of our fingers touched. The veiled man took a quick step forward, wrapping his arm around my waist, trapping me against him with his strength. I felt frozen by power and fear. He dropped the iron scepter from his hand then lifted the veil from his face locking his flamed eyes with mine.

I immediately lost consciousness as my mind fell into a deep & dark blackness…

Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash

I felt myself lying on grass. I could hear hushed murmurs and chatters of various languages surrounding me. When I opened my eyes, I was surrounded by thousands of individuals wearing white garments whom were much smaller than me, like little children.

I knew that I died and was so certain of it. I tried my best to recall how exactly did I die. Panic began to overtake me. Tears welled my eyes and my breathing became erratic.

The crowd of children smiled at me and waved with enthusiasm. Many blew kisses towards me from afar, despite the sadness and grief worn on my face. When the tears fell, the children gathered together and began to sing praise songs. Some of the praise music prepared sounded familiar and was spoken in the English language.

I allowed the songs the children sang to bring me some comfort while I came to terms with my apparent death when my eyelids suddenly became heavy with sleep.

When my eyes closed, I saw visions of fires and burning battle fields. When my eyes opened, I saw the smiling and singing children once again. When my eyes closed, I saw the burning dead corpses lying in the rubble of forsakened buildings. When my eyes opened, I saw the children happily playing musical instruments. When my eyes closed, I saw myself standing at a massive grave of countless strange bodies.

I cried hysterically. Afraid to close my eyes or to hold them open again. The children looked upon me with great concern. Some desperately tried playing their music louder to distract me from my grieving.

There was no escaping my visions. Stuck between two worlds that haunted my eternal afterlife. I felt like I was no longer in control of my mind. I badly needed rest but could not find it. I laid my body back down onto the grassy ground and closed my eyes, allowing the flames of the violent visions to consume me until I fell into blackness once again.

Photo by Maxime Doré on Unsplash

I was suddenly observing a strange cabin with a young man dwelling inside. He repeatedly looked out of the curtained cabin windows anxiously as if waiting for someone to arrive.

He pulled a pan of fresh bread from an oven and allowed it to cool on a rack. Once cooled, he sliced two portions of the bread and spread fresh pesto on them. He placed the pesto bread on a plate next to an assortment of fruit. He poured a cup of wine from a wineskin.

The man carried the plate of food and wine into a small room in the cabin and placed it on a stand next to a bed occupied by my own body. I could recognize my own sleeping face…

I focused my attention on the man who paced the room anxiously and looked out of the curtained windows. I watched him as he kneeled on the side of the bed in silent prayers not wishing to disturb my body from its slumber.

I witnessed the man wipe away tears of frustration from his own face…

The man did not speak a word as I slept motionlessly in the humble cabin accommodations. The fresh bread had grown cold. Despite the patience and prayers of the waiting man, I did not wake up…

I was content observing the mysterious man from whatever spirit form I had taken in this place. I watched him curiously as he sat in a wooden chair watching my sleeping body.

He reached out to place a firm hand on my arm. It was the only time I observed the man touch my sleeping body. As soon as he felt the rise of my gentle breathing, he removed his hand and returned to a praying posture.

I wanted to recall every detail of the man. I was unsure if it was the same man whom I saw at the mountain cliff’s edge. I studied his face and mannerism, hoping to recall in as much details everything that I could later describe. No matter how hard I try to acutely describe this man kindness and handsomness were his only defining features.

That is when a loud sound came from the front of the cabin that startled the man from his praying. A warrior carrying a sword stepped into the small cabin space. The warrior did not draw his sword against the man but spoke to him in a language that I did not understand…

The man pleaded with the warrior and placed his hands in the air between them. That is when the warrior charged towards my sleeping body and the man threw himself between us. Both the man and the warrior came crashing down unto the ground in hand to hand combat.

Confusion seized me, but I greatly feared the praying man becoming gravely injured by the warrior. I was unsure how to intervene at first, but decided that it was time to awaken my body in order to mediate the conflict.

I opened my own eyes and lifted myself from the bed to find the men still fighting. Once the men saw that I was alert they ceased their conflict and stood to their feet.

I did not recognize either of them at this time…

“I am here to bring you back home, priestess…” The warrior comforted.

I did not open my mouth to respond.

“Please, just stay a few moments. I must speak with you before you leave…” The praying man pleaded with me.

“I am here to take you back, you must come with me…” The warrior spoke with authority.

“You don’t have to leave just yet, priestess. You can choose to stay here with me as long as you like. You may return home at any time. I will not hold you against your will…” the praying man urged again.

“Your family is waiting for you-“ I did not give the warrior a chance to finish his rebuttal.

“I am choosing to stay. I am asking you to leave immediately. You have assaulted this man in his own home after he showed me kindness. I am condemning you for that…” I spoke up for myself with my own voice.

This is obviously either some kind of lucid dream or a strange transition into the afterlife. I wandered if anyone has already discovered my lifeless body laying on my bed next to my Holy Bible. I was hoping that it would not be my own children to discover my demise. I was convinced in this moment that I was dead, never to return to my former life.

The warrior stared at me in silent astonishment for several moments, unsure of what to say next.

“You heard her…” chided the praying man.

After some protest, the warrior quietly left the cabin while I remained alert in the cabin bed. The man followed the warrior out, closing the broken door behind him. When the man returned, I already began helping myself to the bread and wine. Even in the afterlife I felt hunger and thirst. The homemade bread and wine reminded me of home…

The man sat in the wooden chair facing me, with a humble smile. I returned his smile with my own. I felt no fear towards him. If he wanted to harm me or take advantage he would have done so whilst I was sleeping.

“You wanted to speak with me?” I asked.

The man opened his mouth, but no words came forth. His face became full of sadness and the tears began to fall. I did not know what tormented the man that he would lose his ability to speak. But I embraced him for a long time, allowing his grief to pour onto my garments.

The praying man was released from his prison paradise to roam the earth once more for a short time…

Knowing what I know now, I would have never left that humble cabin.

Knowing what I know now, I would have never left alone that praying man.

Knowing what I know now, I would have gladly spent eternity in that paradise.

Knowing what I know now, I would have never returned home from that secret place…

Now I worry if that cabin has vanished along with my hopes and prayers of a slow and simple life. Now I worry if that praying man would ever embrace me with the same kindness and care that he held for me in those first moments.

The cabin feels more like an ordinary dream now rather than a divine encounter.

I eventually choose to return to my own body still lying next to my Bible on my own bed. I wandered if I had experienced a simple dream which would explain the cause of my sudden sleepiness.

Wandering if I would ever see the praying man again and finally hear what he had intended to say to me from behind his grief. If the praying man ever finds me again, I hope to be enlightened by him…


Read Original Story: A Moment in Time with Jesus Christ…

Research: Katabasis

Research: Eleusinian Mysteries

Research: Horsemen of the apocalypse

Research: The Myth of Hades and Persephone

Bible Study: Exodus 34:29–35

DISCLAIMER: My attorney has informed me that I must disclose that this is a satirical fairy tale fiction story. Nothing you read here is ACTUALLY the truth. I made it all up for fun & cheap thrills. There is absolutely no need to panic at all. Also, fairies are definitely NOT real. They are made up storytelling creatures. And if you see an actual fairy, do not at all panic!

You should avoid offending the fairy at all cost and call your doctor right away…



Your Fairy God Mother

Just a normal storyteller. Definitely NOT with the illuminati or any other ancient secret mystic society. That would be utterly ridiculous!