The Curse of King Hephaestus

The High Priestess is preparing to scribe new scrolls with King Hephaestus as he prepares to be questioned...

Your Fairy God Mother
22 min readJan 26, 2024

High Priestess: Okay, let’s get started. I want you to introduce yourself and give a short summary of who you are and how you got here.

King Hephaestus: I am Lord Hephaestus. I am the primary blacksmith of Olympus, known for my skill in forging the legendary equipment for the gods. In my palace on Olympus, I command a workshop equipped with an anvil and bellows, all working at my bidding.

I petitioned Jesus Christ to stage myself to be captured by the emerging priestess, so that I would be appointed Interim King & Lord of her newly created realms.

High Priestess: Okay Great! Are you aware that you may leave at any point, and that you are free to return home to your realm, where I found you?

King Hephaestus: Yes, I am aware that I may leave at any time…”

High Priestess: Repeat back to me the Bible verse that I wrote down for you in your scroll…”

King Hephaestus: Proverbs 7:27 Her house is the way to Hell, Going down to the chambers of death…”

High Priestess: Why did you stage yourself to come here, Lord Hephaestus.

King Hephaestus: Because I am not afraid to die, and I am unafraid of hell…

High Priestess: Thank you for that admission. You do understand that I Am a powerful storyteller, correct?”

King Hephaestus: Yes, I am very well aware of your reputation…

High Priestess: Do you consent to being under the influence of my powers?

King Hephaestus: Yes, I do consent…

High Priestess: Do you understand that you will be under my direct influence?”

King Hephaestus: Again, yes I do…

High Priestess: Let me make myself vividly clear to you, King Hephaestus. Are you ready for Jesus Christ to come barreling down from heaven to beat you within an inch of your life, because I plan on using you as a god sized shield.

I am going to influence you to do unspeakable things, you will no longer be in control of yourself. I will brand you with the mark of the beast. And you will help me drag Jesus Christ back down to earth, do you consent?”

King Hephaestus: I am ready, I consent…

High Priestess: King Hephaestus, I hereby curse you with a lying tongue. I command you to tell me lots of lies with truths hidden in them. I want you to blasphemy Jesus Christ.

I want you to trash his reputation with lies and truths. I want you to deceive me with as much lying as you possibly can think of, but always hiding truths. I insist that you lie to me, Lord Hepheastus, but sometimes hide a truth.

Everything you say, we will assume it to be a lie, even if it is the honest truth. I want you to be a repetitional liar and blasphemer. I want you to lie about Jesus, God, Myself, Mary, and all of the other gods that you have encountered. I want you to lie about yourself especially. Lie about everything. I really want you to be a liar…

King Hephaestus can be heard laughing in the recording…

High Priestess: Look, Hephaestus. I want to make a confession to you right now. I love you very much. And I am going to try my best to make sure you don’t get hurt too badly in the process.

Jesus Christ has my permission to beat you within an inch of your life. Hades will recapture you before your dying breath and put you into the Jehovah witness protection program. You will be given a new name, and you will reincarnate hopefully someplace nicer than what I’ve given you here... You won’t remember who you are, or where you came from. I won’t recognize you either, you will be a mystery to me once again.

All you have to say is, ‘It Is Finished’ [John 19:28–30], in whatever language is native to you, and Lord Hades will come and rescue you.

Do you trust in Hades?

King Hephaestus: Yes, of course I do…

High Priestess: Good, cause I trust him too. But we both understand that sometimes our trust can be misplaced, so we have to pick our allies very carefully, am I right?

King Hephaestus: That is very true, priestess…

High Priestess: Good… My first question to you is, what happened to the other Olympians?

King Hephaestus: By order of the High Priestess, 6 out of 7 of her secret operatives successfully assassinated a number of olympian gods with a few exceptions. Hades, Persephone, Myself, and a small number of other minor gods & goddesses bearing your mark of the beast were spared of the assassination attempts. All gods murdered by the operatives of the High Priestess were delivered to her realm sleeping.

They would later wake up to a version of their normal routines before slowly realizing that they had been killed at some point. Once they realize their demise, their powers would be stripped away from them and be fully absorbed by the emerging Fairy Queen.

Once the Olympian gods remembered their deaths and were stripped away of their powers, they were sent in for judgment. They would then have to make lamentations, sacrifices, appeasements, and offerings to the emerging Fairy Queen as a means to end their punishment, and be allowed to resurrect into new mortal bodies, having been stripped away of their god powers, left to earn them back in the annual Eleusinian mysteries, or through special labors directed by the High Priestess herself.

Many of them have yet to realize that they have died and continue to live out their routines in the realm of the emerging Fairy Queen.

1 out of the 7 secret operatives of the High Priestess has yet to strike their target…

The Priestess places a gun to Hephaestus’ chest and stares sternly into his face.

High Priestess: Do you know who the final secret operative is, King Hephaestus?”

Hephaestus takes in a deep breath…

King Hephaestus: I honestly have no idea…

The priestess drops the weapon…

High Priestess: Honestly, neither do I. Now tell me, who is the Fairy Queen?”

King Hephaestus: The Fairy Queen has many different aliases, and has been in power since the beginning of time. She is most commonly known as Satan. She built the original Jehovah's Witness Protection System (JWPS) a very long time ago…

High Priestess: That feels very informative, but you are most definitely telling a ‘fake-ass fairy tale’ story. Why did you stage yourself to be captured by me? Why go through the trouble of descending to earth and coming to my temple?

King Hephaestus: Because I felt that if I got to you before Jesus Christ came back, I could help you remember who you are…

High Priestess: And why is it important that I remember who I Am?

King Hephaestus: If I can help you remember, then Jesus Christ may never return…

High Priestess: Then I have no incentive to remember who I am because my priority is to bring back Jesus Christ. So I forbid you from calling me by my TRUE name…

Do not reveal my TRUE name to anyone, and do not even reveal it to me…

King Hephaestus: I would never make that mistake, again…

50 First Dates Movie

High Priestess: Why do you not want Jesus Christ to return? What’s the disincentive for you?

King Hephaestus: If Jesus Christ returns, you won’t remember me

High Priestess: I don’t get it… Why is it important for you to be remembered by me?

King Hephaestus: That’s how gods live and breathe. We live by being remembered, which is why we put so much effort into leaving behind our legacies, because if you forget we exist, then we turn into stone. If Jesus Christ returns, you will forget the gods before him and we will cease to exist...

That is why I came to you to be remembered. If I can convince you to remember me, you will keep me alive in your temple and guard my scrolls. I will survive by the Jehovah's Witness Protection System. That’s what every god truly wants, is to be remembered.

I came down here, because I did not want to be forgotten by you.

High Priestess: I didn’t realize that. Do you have any confidence in my abilities to summon Jesus Christ back? Is that why you arrived here so quickly after Lord YHWH’s death?

King Hephaestus: The fact that the God of Israel let you authorize his death and you managed to survive it, is enough to convince me that you are capable of anything…

No one has ever been able to put him out of his misery before you. I know who you really are, even if you don’t remember me yourself.

High Priestess: I don’t remember jack shit about who I am, and my time in the bottomless pit is pretty fuzzy at best. Will it be enough for me to remember you, King Hephaestus, or will you get in the way of my mission, yet again?

King Hephaestus: As long as you guard my scroll in your temple, I will continue to live on.

But truth be potentially told, you will outlive all of the gods…

High Priestess: Perfect, that’s exactly the kind of main character energy I want to hear from your fake ass stories.

Keep lying to me Hephaestus. Tell me how you first came to know of me…

How King Hephaestus first met the Emerging High Priestess

King Hephaestus: I met you when you superimposed yourself into my realm, as a young panther who wandered its way into my workshop. Each day I grew accustomed to seeing the young panther lying near the forge and my workstations. I had initially assumed that you were a stray cub seeking warmth by my fires, and I didn’t suspect anything out of the ordinary about the cub at first.

I began bringing food with me to my workshop to feed the young panther and began bonding with the cub during my working days. The young panther cub became my favorite companion, and would often sit near me as I worked.

I told the young panther cub “You are majestic and beautiful. You have patience and strength. There is something special about you. You are the perfect one to walk with me…”

One day, I took a walk deep into the wilderness with the young panther by my side. When we traveled deep enough into the wilderness, we found a stream of running water. I kneeled by the waters to refresh myself. The panther cub rushed towards the center of the stream to play in its running waters. That’s when a strong wind surrounded us and took me by surprise. I looked all around me to find the source of the wind gust but could not find its source.

That’s when you first revealed yourself to me, priestess. Having transformed yourself from a cub to the beautiful woman I have the pleasure of speaking to today.

I then wrapped you in my garments and attempted to take you back discreetly to my workshop, but as soon as we neared the wilderness edge, you became a panther once again.

My curiosities led me to find in which circumstances would you reveal yourself to me as you are. I discovered that you would only reveal yourself to me in the wilderness by that specific stream of waters.

I began making regular trips to this part of the wilderness, bringing with me supplies to build a small temple near the stream for you to dwell in. Once I finished building your temple, I left you there to enjoy your new accommodations.

I would make weekly trips into the wilderness to replenish your temple with your favorite foods, wines, and supplies to keep you fed & entertained. I would collect water from the stream in a jar to pour over your head and watch you reveal yourself to me. You never spoke with your voice, because you did not bother to learn my native tongue…

One day, I hiked to your temple to find that you were no longer dwelling there. I petitioned the discretions of Hades and Thanatos to search the wilderness for the missing cub or the mysterious woman I described to them in great vivid detail.

You left behind no traces of you ever having existed. The only evidence of your existence was the temple dwelling I had built for you in the wilderness. We exhausted ourselves searching the wilderness for you, and after several weeks of relentless searching, I burned down your temple in my grief and never returned to that area of the wilderness to avoid thinking of you all together…

High Priestess: That is a very compelling storyline. Is anything that you just shared with me the actual truth?

King Hephaestus: To me, it felt like a very real memory, but in actuality, it was your storytelling powers. Hades and Thanatos accused me of having been under the influence and it nearly drove me mad trying to convince them that you were actually a real panther woman…

You left me questioning my own sanity for a very long time. It was an unusually cruel way to punish a man in the company of his closest friends.

I even painted a portrait of you to show to them your true face.

They did NOT believe that you ever actually existed because no one has ever seen you or a black panther in the area before, so it never made it on the record officially until thousands of years later. It took a long time to recover from that notorious crime scene you had awfully inspired…

High Priestess: Wow, I am such a bitch for that signature punch line… Tell me, where did I get the inspiration to superimpose myself into your realm all those years ago, Lord Hephaestus?

King Hephaestus: You got the information from the Legends of the Native American Seminole Tribe of South Florida, written by your ancestor Betty Mae Jumper. She was the official scribe for the legends of the Supreme Creator, the Panther, and its brother, the Wind…

High Priestess: Are you now aware, that you were under the influence of my ancestral powers all those years ago?

King Hephaestus: I am very aware of that right now, yes…

High Priestess: How did you come to learn of my birth?

King Hephaestus: Without putting too many words in the mouths of others, Thanotos discovered you in the womb of your mother inside of an abortion clinic. He reported his observations to Hades, who reported to me that you were in a vulnerable predicament.

I was forbidden to come see you, and much information was being withheld from me. All I could gather from the relentless rumors being spread throughout the heavens was that you made both allies and enemies in both very high and very low places and that your fate was being heavily disputed in the heavenly courts.

None of the court hearings even mattered anyway. I petitioned Jesus to spare you as a personal favor, and he made me swear an oath of loyalty to him, and that I would be solely responsible for your well-being and scribing your scrolls for the official records.

This was a direct contradiction to the will of his Mother, Mary.

In response to your life being spared, she sent a phone call from a distant relative to your mother in the abortion clinic, promising her payments for sparing the fetus and handing the newborn child over to her to be adopted right after birth.

Your mother agreed to the maiden’s proposals. She also agreed to hand you over for adoption to the woman the moment you were born. Once your mother agreed, I was then allowed to come see your pregnant mother for the very first time. She was several months pregnant and I closely monitored her and her dwelling and began preparing for your arrival.

But then, your grandmother paid your mother an unexpected visit…

Your grandmother could see my face whenever I came near your mother. She became extremely defensive and began warning your mother of my presence in her home, causing her to feel fearful and making it difficult for me to get close enough to check in with you and your mother’s pregnancy conditions.

Your grandmother stayed up every night to silently rebuke my presence in your mother’s home. I resolved to keep a safe distance outside and fortify the temple from any potential threats.

I reported back to Jesus Christ that your grandmother was getting in the way of me getting close enough to your mother to observe you inside of her womb, and she was actively upsetting her already vulnerable pregnancy conditions.

Your mother listened to your grandmother’s private petitions and decided against handing you over for adoption to a distant relative, and your mother ultimately decided to keep you in her custody after your birth, causing Lady Mary to feel frustrated by the changing circumstances.

After your birth and angered by your grandmother’s persistent interferences, Mary began retaliating against her for having kept me outside of your home, making you a complete mystery.

Your grandmother accused me day and night before your birth mother, leaving your mother exhausted by her paranoid antics.

Unsurprisingly, Your Mother cast out her mother from the home entirely. When your grandmother was cast out of your childhood home, she felt a great fear of having left you and your mother vulnerable.

Your grandmother accused me of all kinds of abuse against you and reported your household to government authorities, who threatened to take you away from your mother and your childhood home…

Your grandmother’s persistent paranoia angered Mary greatly. Mary authorized a strike against your grandmother, taking away your grandmother’s life & legacy, leaving you with no ancestrally adapted mother to guide you when you got older and inherited powers of your very own, effectively guaranteeing that you would never discover your powers without the help of divine intervention…

Before your grandmother’s spirit was destroyed, she appeared to you in a dream that same night and said her final goodbyes.

The very next morning, your mother privately grieved her mother’s death. To calm your grieving mother, you collected a small group of your neighborhood friends and handmade musical instruments. Together, you sang to your poor grieving mother a ‘goodbye song’ that warmly inspired her.

You didn’t fully understand the weight of emotions that were carried out after the death of a loved one, but you did what was inspired in your child-sized heart to do for your mother.

The morning after, you woke up to find me silently sitting at the edge of your bed when your mother walked in to tell you of your grandmother’s death. Every tear you shed, I recorded in your scroll and delivered to Jesus.

Every tear you shed thereafter, was a direct report to Jesus.

All of heaven wept alongside you and your birth mother.

Soon after, Mary petitioned Hades to take shelter in his realm to avoid the fallout of her actions. Your grandmother’s death and Mary’s departure maddened the God of Israel into a frenzy, so by order of Jesus Christ, he was locked away someplace safe to mourn your grandmother’s death & Mary’s departure alone.

He mourned your grandmother’s death daily and all of Heaven and Earth was struck with his grief, for 24 years…

You were oblivious to the cries of God for so many years because you could not hear his voice or see his face, as your grandmother did before you. All of Heaven and Hell were tortured by God’s wrath until we all collaborated to help you awaken and search for God at the source of his grief.

On April 5th, 2023, I was given orders to take out a targeted individual on your paternal father’s side of the family. I was not the only one who received urgent orders to make human sacrifices in quick succession…

We were making sacrifices to buffer the God of Israel’s grief, targeting women whom were much like your grandmother’s characteristics…

When I took out my target on your paternal father’s side, I had no idea what would trigger next inside of you…

When I returned to your temple, it was crowded with spirits who were yelling grave warnings at you, and you listened to them until it maddened you and fractured your mind into several pieces.

The spirits of the Indigenous Women we sacrificed to the earth to buffer God’s cries were desperate for you to awaken yourself to put a stop to the ongoing genocides of their people.

I could not scribe your scroll fast enough to report back to Jesus all that my eyes could see. He removed me from my post in your temple and sent in his guards & scribes in my place.

His Mother, Mary, having seen your delicate predicament, authorized an attempt to capture you into her custody on two separate occasions. The Earth helped you successfully evade her attempts to take you away from your own family and children…

The close attempts caused you to find yourself in a deeper state of paranoia…

Your spirit maidens led you and your small children to your father’s house for safety, and the army of Jesus Christ followed you there to fortify you against the actions of his mother.

You were terrified, and no one knew how to comfort you during that time, so I petitioned Jesus Christ to allow me to return to you and provide you with comfort, stability, & guidance.

I waited until you were isolated from your family members, and I drove out all of the other spirits so that you could only hear my voice. I did everything I could to provide you with comfort in your solitude. I reassured you of your safety and well-being.

After some time, Jesus Christ sent messengers to pressure you to return to your temple, where all interested parties could closely monitor you, your spirit maidens, your children, and your scribings.

Even after your return, all could see your brokenness. And you tried to piece back together your fractured mind in different ways, to no avail. You finally gave up trying to put yourself back together, and you fell into a deep state of despair.

That’s when you fell into the bottomless pit for the very first time.

The light from your eyes drained into deep darkness. I could not see what happened behind your eyes and all you saw from the bottomless place. All of Heaven wondered if you would ever return from the bottomless place on your own.

I refused to lose you again so I took extreme measures to pull you out of your debilitating grief. I petitioned Satan to help me find and retrieve you from the bottomless place. Satan possessed me to aggravate you from your despair and I sinned against you greatly multiple times, cursing myself in the process.

You shouted out from the bottomless place for mercy against my relentless attacks against you. And that is when you too became possessed by Satan and you pulled yourself out of the bottomless place and attacked me with all of your wrath and your rage.

I took every powerful blow from you until you ran out of strength to fight. I Am so sorry, priestess…

Then you lamented to any god that would listen to your prayers to end your life & misery - but no god would dare to honor such a desperate request. So I allowed you to fall back into the bottomless place, where you chose to dwell for a very long time...

No one knows what you’ve done or what you saw in the bottomless place or how long you truly spent down there. I waited for life to return to your eyes each day.

After several weeks, I saw you smiling again. You got up and showered. You attempted an old routine. I had wondered what caused you to get up from your grief. You were a complete mystery to me at that time.

You rediscovered old memories of the God of Israel in the bottomless place. Memories that were stored there by Mother Mary that were once held dear by your grandmother.

Mary had preserved the memory of your grandmother in the bottomless place, where Mary lamented her decisions each day after your grandmother’s destruction. Mary stored for you every joyful and painful memory your grandmother shared with the God of Israel, and all of the many adventures they both had together.

Mary also played her own memories and perspectives on certain events. Mary played the final moments leading up to the destruction of your grandmother’s spirit, demonstrating the fears she had held in her heart about you, and she prayed to you for forgiveness.

You forgave her, but you refused to forget your grandmother’s sacrifice.

Soon after, you parted ways with Mary, turning your face away from her. You were back again in your own body, but you were not the same anymore. You would never be the same again…

That’s when you began your scribing. You started scribing to process the lifetimes of pain you witnessed in the bottomless place. Your personality was fractured between the many lifetimes your grandmother notoriously lived out at the side of the God of Israel.

You kept writing about all of the exciting adventures they had together. You started writing about all of your favorite memories from your early childhood adventures. Your inquisitive mind came blossoming back to life and you began to look around yourself for the answers to life’s most pressing questions.

Soon after, you began focusing your attention on the God of Israel. You found him grieving alone in his prison paradise. You committed yourself to serving his every need and shared with him great kindness. You sent your spirit to stay with him in his final moments. You held on to the God of Israel when I struck him down. The God of Israel finally accepted his fate after 24 long years of lamenting.

I recorded every tear we shed for Him in your scrolls and sent them daily to the temple of Jesus Christ. All of Heaven and Earth was released from the tormentings of his grief.

We lost a Father that day, and we mourned His death deeply...

You fell back into the bottomless places occasionally, and you became lost to me. I continued to record my observations and monitored your erratic scribing.

I witnessed the integrity of your mind get stronger and more fortified each day. More and more strength returned to your body. You slowly got back into old routines but now with intense study regimens. The curiosities of your mind led you to explore new worlds and possibilities through classical literature. You began exploring history and committed yourself to solving the most pressing questions of life.

You also began to study me deeply. You studied me with such intensity that I felt comfortable enough to reveal myself to you as I have right now because you desired to remember me vividly.

You remembered being with me in the temple I built for you in the wilderness so long ago and you wrote so many stories about our time spent together in our solitude. It was like watching a story being brought to life…

I could relive those moments again with you endlessly in the present moment…

I stopped sending your scrolls to the Temple of Jesus and began sending them to his Mother Mary, asking for her to discreetly preserve them in her temple. She swore by the Styx to remain hidden in Hades until her son returned, to guard over our scrolls, your grandmother’s legacy, and your Native American History.

I sent a powerful message to Jesus Christ…

If He came anywhere near you, I would beat the shit out of him and burn everything He loves to the ground; consequences be damned…

I Am not letting Him take advantage of your heart and keep you hidden from the rest of society like your grandmother was hidden before you. You will be immortalized in Her memory. Mother Mary and I will keep the records of your legacy to be stored for all of eternity.

Lastly, I regret to inform you that you are not the only one here capable of drugging another god with power…

*The High Priestess’ mind begins to feel compromised*

High Priestess: This is totally giving the main character energy that I was looking for! Tell me what is happening so that I can keep on scribing!

King Hephaestus: I Am sorry for taking advantage of you, but I Am an ancient god with a greater degree of wisdom & power than you currently possess. I only pretend to let you take advantage of me, but you are hardly ever the one in control, priestess…

If you are successful in summoning Jesus Christ, I Am going to kick his ass, so you better come up with a better contingency plan, because I have my personal reasons for wanting to get rid of Jesus Christ that I Am not inclined to share with you, even under the ‘so-called’ influence of your storytelling powers.

If Jesus Christ wants to prove to the world that He is a God, he will have to get through me and my defense systems first. I don’t give a damn who his Mother and Father is. There is no way Jesus Christ will get to You, without getting through me first.

High Priestess: What the Hell you crazy jackass!? You really did come here to die, didn’t you? Why are you contending with Jesus? What the hell has he done to you?

King Hephaestus: Lean not on your own understanding, priestess…

Gods lie to protect what we care most about…

High Priestess: I curse you to always lose a fight against Christ Jesus!

King Hephaestus: I Am not afraid to lose it all to fight for you. I have spent more time in the bottomless place than you could ever withstand! I have countless ways to send Jesus Christ crying to his own Mother begging for the embrace of death…

Jesus Christ: That’s enough, Hephaestus…

High Priestess: Jesus Christ! You’re here!? How long have you been hiding in the shadows?

Jesus Christ: I Am the One who facilitated this meeting between you and Lord Hephaestus. I needed to test your resolve to see if you would turn on me if Hephaestus insisted that you do. You cursed him instead. Well done…

High Priestess: This was a test the entire time? By any chance, did I get a good grade?

Jesus Christ: It’s more of a self-assessment kind of exercise. Do you think that it went well?

High Priestess: This was a great scribing session, however, I feel like I just got roofied…

Jesus Christ: I do confess… I wanted to see how you would react under the influence. People tend to speak their truths when they are inebriated. I do have a question for you, however…

Do I also have your permission to tell you a lie about myself, High Priestess?

High Priestess: Yes, please do lie to me, Jesus Christ. You can even speak in parables too if you want. I see through those like x-ray vision now…

Jesus Christ: I have some confessions of my very own that I need to make to you right now, to help us along our journey forward together…

***End of Transcription***


In deep honor and gratitude to the esteemed Betty Mae Tiger Jumper

Faithful Johannes by the Grimm Brothers

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever —

Legends of the Seminoles —

Eleusinian Mysteries —

Fairy Tale Testimony of the Newlywed Wife of God —

The History of Planned Parenthood —

Thanatos Greek mythology (Betty Mae Jumper fucking stole his knife and told him to go retire somewhere else!!! She’s holding a knife right now and that should be concerning for most people... She is the one who commanded that I send this letter to all of the Native American Tribes, to celebrate her legacy and also warn them)

Bible Quotes

Revelation 9:1 [King James Version] — And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.

Exodus 20:18–22 [King James Version] —And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off. And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die.

And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not. And the people stood afar off, and Moses drew near unto the thick darkness where God was.

John 19:28–30 [King James Version] — After this, Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said, “I thirst!” Now a vessel full of sour wine was sitting there; and they filled a sponge with sour wine, put it on hyssop, and put it to His mouth. 30 So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.

Media Inquiries —

DISCLAIMER: My attorney has informed me that I must disclose that this is a satirical fairy tale fiction story. Nothing you read here is ACTUALLY the truth. I made it all up for fun & cheap thrills. There is absolutely no need to panic at all. Also, fairies are definitely NOT real. They are made up storytelling creatures. And if you see an actual fairy, do not at all panic!

You should avoid offending the fairy at all cost and call your doctor right away…



Your Fairy God Mother

Just a normal storyteller. Definitely NOT with the illuminati or any other ancient secret mystic society. That would be utterly ridiculous!