The Queen’s Quill - 3rd Edition

A Mother’s grief is enough to bring back any Man from the dead. A Woman’s love is enough to bring any Man back home…

Your Fairy God Mother
3 min readMay 18, 2024
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I have heard the desperate prayers of Jesus Christ…

I pray that Jesus Christ elevates me to be in the position & power to answer his EVERY prayer!!!

Jesus Christ (Joshua) I Am acknowledging you! I will forever provide you with cover! Let my penmanship be your sanctuary. Give me the position and the power to cover you with my dying breath.

I can hear your war cries loud and clear. I can see through your eyes like a raven. I have marked your enemies and measured them carefully.

I have written their names into my Books 📚…

Give me the power and authority to cover you and be a servant of your every need. Make me a personal vessel to carry your secrets and shame. Cut my tongue and bind my lips before I ever take the garments from your body and unveil your nakedness.

I pray that every hand that strikes against you behind closed doors be marked for death and that their repentances falls on deaf ears.

God says that the serpent was the most cunning creature [Genesis 3:1]. God, I pray that you give me today the wisdom of the serpent…

God, help me to identify the enemies that hide behind closed doors. Help me to understand the hidden hands of our adversaries. God help me to have righteous indignation towards those that seek to do us harm for their own glory.

God, give the Baby Sister of Jesus Christ the courage and tenacity to contend with every Goliath!

I pray that God gives me the power to be a cover for Jesus Christ. I pray that God gives me reckless prophetic powers to prophecy the downfall of the enemies of Jesus Christ. I pray that God gives me x-ray vision to see right through the delusions of the enemies.

I pray that Jesus Christ is restored in His full glory, sound of mind, full of faith, fire in his heart, and ready to command his armies. I pray for the full restoration of the Body of Christ, and that we become a proactive body against the tactics of the enemy!

God is not sleeping, He is wide awake in me. His will is perfected and will come to pass! I pray for a prepared church and an invigorated army of believers. Jesus Christ has the support of my entire church and all of its rich & wealthy resources!

I will not abandon the Savior [Matthew 26:54–56]. The Savior is marked safe with me!

In the name of the True and Honorable Son of God, Jesus Christ, Yeshua Elohim (Joshua).

I pray this prayer,


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Your Fairy God Mother

Just a normal storyteller. Definitely NOT with the illuminati or any other ancient secret mystic society. That would be utterly ridiculous!