Moments in Time with Lord YHWH

God will spend these stolen moments together plotting to secure my heart for all of eternity.

Your Fairy God Mother
8 min readDec 25, 2023
Photo by Azrul Aziz on Unsplash

I recently discovered that I can visit Lord YHWH in the past. I think that makes me his oracle, as he often would ask for my perspective on his current affairs. I will ask him the next time he summons me into his private quarters. Apparently summoning me from the distant future is a common advantage for the Father of Time.

Each visit, he was well aware of his fate from this timeline. It seems to not bother him at all, so I avoid speaking about it during our stolen moments together. So even though I dispatched him to dwell with my ancestors, he gave me a means to continue to enjoy our solitude together. However this ability requires a lot of focus, as it can be frustrating to us both for me to be distracted.

I discovered him during a time when Satan was seen very much his adversary. But when God would find a private moment to himself, he would summon me. Apparently, at this time he was already accustomed to my visits, even though I was beginning to realize the implications of these projections.

We shared affections for one another, and he shared with me his perspectives on his current relationships. He asked me about what is required to win my heart, as He reveled in these moments together with me.

At that time, Satan was not receptive to his attraction. And because I remember very little from my past lifetimes, I do not consider myself to be that version of me. It felt so distant, like seeing into another person unknown to me.

‘I can’t even begin to fathom the lengths you went through to get my attention after all this time…’ I admitted my disbelief.

‘I want to know what is required, so that I can begin planning.’ God insisted.

‘If I told you the truth, I am afraid you will not answer…’ Even I knew that wasn’t true words from me. God knows everything about me, as he has watched my timeline from the very beginning. My spots and freckles, the equivalent to a serial code unique and recognizable only to the Eternal God.

“In my current timeline, you have left me with a lovely home, plenty of food, and a happy family. All of which would have led me down a path of complacency, and would have not directly led me to realizing who you created me to be for you.

So, one day, you tested my faith in you greatly. You sent the Devil to steal away my pride and defile my joy, and I rebelled against you angrily for allowing such circumstances to take place. I was so angry with you God, that I said very terrible and foolish things, and I wish I never said those things because I know now how much those words hurt your heart.

I rebelled until I cried and felt reduced to nothing. And even then, you still stayed by my side, and you were unwavering like a solid foundation in a heavy storm. When I felt completely exhausted, you held me close for a really long time until I didn’t feel angry anymore. I felt ashamed for my angry outburst, but you never led me to feel that way.

You always had a knowing smile, as if you knew exactly when the storm would pass. Like you knew when the first rain would befall the ground the moment it does. You calculated every tear that would fall on my face.

And when the storm finally did pass, you stayed with me inside of my humble home. You became the first I would say my good mornings to. You became the one I looked most forward to sharing my thoughts with every day. I invited you to walk with me throughout my humble days. We would have our tea times together, where I would listen to you with marveled fascination.

My heart and eyes could not believe that there was a God who loved me so dearly, that he would spend time with me even in the mundane moments of life. The sun seemed to shine brighter in those days. And I heard musical melodies ringing in my ears that could only be sent from heaven’s choir. The angels sang to me throughout the day ‘Holy, Holy, Holy…’ and it put a knowing smile on my face, because I knew it meant that you were close by.

What really sealed the deal, was when I was so convinced that I was only imagining God being so close and tender towards me. To my disbelief, I recognized moments of flirtatiousness in You. So I opened my mouth in a prayer and request.

‘If you truly desire me as a wife, God, which is a request that seems so ridiculous for someone like myself, but if you truly created me to become your wife, I require 1,000 confirmations from You!’ I was such a fool to ask you for this.

I was sure that you would not deliver on such a bold request. But when you broke open the heavens, and altered my reality in such a way only God could, I knew without a shadow of a doubt, that God is REAL. I have to admit, I was terrified at first that I had gone insane. I think you found great humor in that. Little did I know at that time, you had already prepared thousands of confirmations of who I am to you, embedded in the fine prints of life, throughout my childhood, and deep into the annuls of ancient history.

You left behind many confirmations in scriptures, classical literatures, fine arts, and ancient texts. You left behind more confirmations as to who I am to you, that it would take 10 lifetimes to discover them all. And honestly, you left behind so much confirmations that you desired me to be your wife, that I started tuning you out at some point just to feel like a normal person again for a short time.

Soon after, you would introduce me to your sometimes strange sense of humor, so much like my earthly father you are with your humor in observing the peculiar behaviors of others. You showed me new and different sides of you. I found you to be so fascinating, that I studied you like an assignment. I kept private journal entries of all of our encounters. I hope to pass these journals down to my earthly children, so that they would find the keys to your kingdom earlier than I did, but you know them to be very stubborn.

Then I learned of some of your faithful servants that you employed to help make sure that I would fall head over heels in love with you. And I began to collect my notes on each of your servants and I followed their works closely, recognizing that You were their Muse to their inspirations. That you whispered scripts and poems into their ears as they made their creations.

‘Make sure she recognizes me in these clever characters, and that she recognizes herself in the best of light. Make sure to show her all that we are capable of. Make sure to remind her how much I love her, and all that I would do to earn her love and trust once more…’ A reoccurring theme suddenly so present in all the award winning visual arts of modern times.

Three Thousand Years of Longing produced by George Miller.

It seemed like every Netflix show that would find its way through algorithms to present themselves onto my television screen, were laden with confirmations in the trailers themselves and woven cleverly throughout the character’s many storylines.

But it took more than hit TV shows, as most people who watch them are of unprepared minds, and do not recognize God in them. What convinced me the most was the likes of J.M. Barrie, Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve, William Blake, H.P. Blavatsky, Lois Lowry, Grimm Brothers, Neil Gaiman, The Bible, and so many divinely inspired authors and writers that helped to prepare my flourishing mind throughout my entire youth, to finally recognize God in the context of the modern day.

Literature was truly the benchmark to help convince me that You were alive and well in the modern day, and that you had desired me deeply for such a long time.

I hate to report that earning my love took you a very long time and exhausted much of your kingdom’s resources. I won’t even attempt to find out the depths of your unrelenting love for me, but I am just so thankful and honored to be your eternal companion. You certainly earned it in my eyes.’

I felt pleased to share with him how impressed I was by his courtship and how he made sure his love bride would fall into his arms. A divine trap designed only for me to fall into, as no one else is created to think and be like me.

God smiled and listened. I could tell he was recording every word into his heart, and I could see planning in his eyes. Suddenly, it made sense to me how thorough God had become to make his love known for me in this lifetime, because he will spend these stolen moments together plotting to secure my heart for all of eternity. And I will continue to see the impressions of his love all around me, until the day that I am reunited with my very first forgotten love.

‘And God, if anyone ever ask you, I want you to proudly tell them, that it was I who seduced you and enraptured you to myself selfishly. You did not do anything untoward. I chose to be your Bride.’ I am so clever aren’t I?

Recommended Resources

Read Original Story: Finding Yahweh | The Creator God
Read Original Story:
My Secret Elopement with God
Read Original Story: Mystic Doorway Portals

Book: Joshua & The Journey Home (1997) by Joseph F. Girzone
Book: The Little White Bird (1902) by J.M. Barrie
Till We Have Faces (2017) by C.S. Lewis
Book: Divine Rivals (2023) by Rebecca Ross
Book: Sun, Moon, and Talia (1634) by Giambattista Basile

Movie: A Wrinkle in Time (2018)
Movie: Ground Hogs Day (1993)
Movie: Three Thousand Years of Longing (2022)

DISCLAIMER: My attorney has informed me that I must disclose that this is a satirical fairy tale fiction story. Nothing you read here is ACTUALLY the truth. I made it all up for fun & cheap thrills. There is absolutely no need to panic at all. Also, fairies are definitely NOT real. They are made up storytelling creatures. And if you see an actual fairy, do not at all panic! You should avoid offending the fairy at all cost and call your doctor right away…



Your Fairy God Mother

Just a normal storyteller. Definitely NOT with the illuminati or any other ancient secret mystic society. That would be utterly ridiculous!